The other 'ouch' was a slip backwards on black ice on our slopy pavement. Minimal damage thankfully, just a bruise which is long gone now. Our road is steep; there is a grit bin, but one charmer nicked some of the grit to spread over his own drive, even though there was never enough for us each to grit our 'road space'.
More cheerfully, since Catherine Miller persuaded many of us Writing Buddies to have a go at Twitter, I have taken to it, upgraded to new Twitter, and won a book, a tin of posh Derwent sketching pencils (feeds my passion for stationery), and now a 'book bundle' from Orion books. In the past, when slogan comps were plentiful, I won masses of stuff from sweets to holidays, a full set of white goods, and £5k worth of energy saving for the house including cavity wall insulation. Those comps are now rare, sadly, but Twitter is fun and full of draws for prizes.
Talking of the Buddies, it's been an amazing year in terms of what people have achieved. And with the rate at which we are still scribbling, 2011 promises to be great, too. I write best when I have a scheduled time slot, and when I have already decided in some detail what will be written. Usually there are only one or two slots per week, but they are generally productive.
I am still looking for a suitable source of critique for my children's novel, the first draft of which is done. I've entered writing competitions, and have written a Christmas poem to read for the family that evening. Also still pitching for a stocking filler book for next Christmas.
In 2011 I shall be writing, taking vitamin/mineral pills during winter months, smartening up my appearance, chucking out masses of tee shirts and sorting out my 2 expensive new pairs of varifocal specs which aren't right.
So if you're reading this after Christmas, I hope it was good for you. Let's hope for a really happy, healthy and successful 2011, and be sure that, if you make resolutions, they are easy and fun to keep. Very best wishes.