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Thursday, 29 December 2011

The Best From My 2011

To round off the year, here's a list of the ten gadgets or other items that have made my 2011 better, easier, safer or more fun. They're not in any special order. I wonder if any of them appear in your own top ten...

  1  The first decent crop of carrots I've ever harvested: a bit knobbly and whiskery, but tasting wonderful.

  2  Setting up an external hard drive after a crash that lost masses of text and pictures, some lost for ever.

  3  We both bought silver acupressure rings from Boots ( which have all but eliminated
          sn*ring and greatly improved our sleep. But don't tell. Btw, Holland & Barrett do a cheaper version, same

  4  Finishing my first children's novel about Millie the Detective and submitting it.

  5  Acquiring an iPad.

  6  Negotiating a better contract with BT - didn't realise you had to do this annually otherwise a worse contract can
          come into play without you knowing.

  7  Successfully losing 2 stones weight, thus reaching my target and maintaining it with significant health benefits.

  8  Seeing one of my poems published on the internet ( - What The Dickens magazine), and
          another - together with 2 pieces of non-fiction and one drama - in our Writing Buddies anthology Wordfall.

  9  In my (large) Christmas stocking, lovely non-slip wellingtons with fleecy lining.

10  Finally clearing most of my 'professional working life' from my den and making a decent amount of desk space for
          my writing.

Happy New Year, everyone!
(Any comments very welcome of course.)