Also went to the celebration of the successful protest against Southampton City Council's plan to sell off art works including a Munnings picture and a Rodin sculpture. It became a national issue.
Greatly enjoyed a production of The Tempest at The Point in Eastleigh, performed by a mix of resident actors, gap year drama students, and local school pupils. Dull first ten minutes or so, then it picked up; lines were sometimes delivered at a gallop and without enough emotion, but the work with the stick puppets for Ariel and Caliban was especially engaging. Also saw the film Me and Orson Welles at The Point - very atmospheric and carried us along with it from start to finish. And a highlight - a trip to London to see our granddaughters (11 and 7) in a full-length show put on by their ballet/dance school at the Catford Broadway Theatre. They are really pleased that Olivia has been offered a place at their chosen secondary school, too.
OK, OK, I give in to the hype. I shall be trying out Delia's ubiquitous rhubarb and ginger brulee this week. Usually I resist the pressure but have fallen for this one.
Thought of the day: when you try to open a packet of biscuits, why doesn't the "tear here" thing work? Don't you always end up using scissors? Thank you for reading this!