Thank you for visiting this blog site. It's mainly writing-related posts including thoughts, tips, info and psychological aspects of writing. If you felt like following, well that would be great.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Lots of action since the previous post.  We went to the preview of John Goodman's poetry work alongside art works inspired by it - he belongs to Writing Buddies.  Interesting and thought provoking poems, though mixed feelings about the pictures.  Some seemed to bear the hallmark of works at the neighbouring Art House gallery/cafe.  I liked the black/grey/white elongated flower pictures though.  The paper planes exhibition at Southampton Art Gallery is really good; we are considering buying one of the exhibits.

Also went to the celebration of the successful protest against Southampton City Council's plan to sell off art works including a Munnings picture and a Rodin sculpture.  It became a national issue.

Greatly enjoyed a production of The Tempest at The Point in Eastleigh, performed by a mix of resident actors, gap year drama students, and local school pupils.  Dull first ten minutes or so, then it picked up; lines were sometimes delivered at a gallop and without enough emotion, but the work with the stick puppets for Ariel and Caliban was especially engaging.  Also saw the film Me and Orson Welles at The Point - very atmospheric and carried us along with it from start to finish.  And a highlight - a trip to London to see our granddaughters (11 and 7) in a full-length show put on by their ballet/dance school at the Catford Broadway Theatre.  They are really pleased that Olivia has been offered a place at their chosen secondary school, too.

OK, OK, I give in to the hype.  I shall be trying out Delia's ubiquitous rhubarb and ginger brulee this week. Usually I resist the pressure but have fallen for this one.

Thought of the day: when you try to open a packet of biscuits, why doesn't the "tear here" thing work?  Don't you always end up using scissors?  Thank you for reading this!

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Sad to relate, the third mushroom isn't growing, so it's still poached eggs for breakfast.
     I have now inserted a link to my writing CV - easier than expected, but trawling through my published work I was taken aback by the number and breadth of items, things I had totally forgotten. I have sent out yet another pitch, with a loose jellyfish theme.
     Tonight we are off to see a production of The Tempest at The Point in Eastleigh, performed by a mix of professional actors, gap year drama students, and secondary pupils.  Apparently it has a modern setting.
     Had a set-to on the bus yesterday - a chap was sounding off about something to the driver en route; everyone was tutting.  Eventually I went up and pointed to the Bluestar notice about not distracting the driver, and got a mouthful in return.  As I went back to my seat, everyone was smiling, nodding, and saying "quite agree" - I felt like saying Where were you?  A lady moved to sit next to me and congratulated me.  Even the driver thanked me as I got off!  I am forever berating teens for drinking and swearing on buses, or spitting and dropping litter in the street.  John reckons I'll get my come-uppance one day, but if everyone had a go, maybe we could improve things.
     I am coming to the end of my current two-week stint preparing and editing a script for readers for the Eastleigh Talking Echo.  Not a huge amount has been happening in Eastleigh, but there will probably be enough to fill a 90-minute tape.  Then there's Writing Buddies tomorrow.  My master plan is to update my blog every 10-14 days, and I hope you'll stay with me!